Pedestrian accidents are a common cause of death and disability among people nowadays. It is mostly due to the increase in population and lack of awareness, especially among those who walk or commute within the city. If you are ever involved in a pedestrian accident, it is essential to speak to a pedestrian accidents lawyer lawrenceville ga for the best legal assistance. Knowing the common causes of pedestrian accidents can help pedestrians avoid the risk of accidents to an extent.

So, here are some of the common causes of pedestrian accidents in Los Angeles.

  • Distracted drivers

This is one of the common causes of pedestrian accidents that many people tend to ignore. One of the most common causes of accidents is when a driver becomes distracted while driving on the road. There are numerous causes that can make a person distracted while driving, including using their cell phone, talking on the phone, and playing music or radio. 

  • Distracted pedestrians

Distracted pedestrians are even more common than distracted drivers. This usually occurs when a pedestrian is talking on the phone while crossing a road. Or when they are texting while crossing a road. There are numerous other ways a pedestrian can be distracted while they are on roads.

  • Pedestrians not using the sidewalk or zebra cross

There are sidewalks and zebra crossings on the roads, which can help pedestrians avoid the risk of accidents. However, pedestrians may not use the sidewalk or zebra cross when they are on the road. This is a violation and can cause accidents. So, pedestrians should be more careful when they are on the roads.

  • Speeding drivers

The faster a driver is, the more the chance of an accident. Speeding on the road is a common cause of pedestrian accidents. When a driver is speeding and there are pedestrians on the roads, a high-speed accident is bound to occur. Speeding can lead to accidents and fatalities, so it is something that needs to be avoided at all costs.

  • Drivers refusing to yield to pedestrians

One of the common causes of pedestrian accidents is when a driver refuses to yield to a pedestrian. If a driver refuses to stop or slow down in order for pedestrians to cross, it can lead to accidents or fatalities. There may be laws that dictate that pedestrians have the right of way, but if not, then drivers should stop and let pedestrians cross the road first.