Losing a criminal appeal can be devastating for both the defendant and their family. It means that the conviction will stand, and the defendant has to serve their sentence. However, there are still options available, and an experienced criminal appeal lawyer can help you navigate through them.

  1. Request for Rehearing or En Banc Review

If your criminal appeal was decided by judges, request a rehearing or an en banc review. A rehearing means that the same panel of judges who decided your case will reconsider it. An en banc review means that all the judges in the appellate court will hear your case. It’s important to note that these requests are discretionary and rarely granted. You need to provide compelling reasons why your case should be reheard or reviewed en banc. In this case, AGP LLP is the right choice.

  1. File a Petition for Certiorari with the Supreme Court

If your appeal was denied by an appellate court, file a petition for certiorari. A petition for certiorari is a request asking the higher court to review your case. The Supreme Court receives thousands of petitions each year but only grants about 100-150 cases. To increase your chances of being granted certiorari, you need to show that there is a significant legal issue at stake or that there have been conflicting decisions among different circuits or jurisdictions regarding similar legal issues.

  1. Pursue Post-Conviction Relief

If everything fails, pursue post-conviction relief remedies. It can either be habeas corpus petitions or motions under Rule 35(b). Habeas corpus petitions challenge detention without proper legal procedures while Rule 35(b) motions seek a reduction in sentences based on substantial assistance provided by defendants after their convictions. Post-conviction relief remedies are more challenging than appeals because they require evidence showing that constitutional rights were violated during trial proceedings resulting in wrongful convictions or excessive sentencing.

  1. Seek Legal Representation from an Experienced Criminal Appeal Lawyer

The most crucial step when facing losing an appeal is seeking professional legal representation from an experienced criminal appeal lawyer like agpllp immediately after receiving notice of denial from lower courts. An experienced criminal appeal lawyer can assess whether there were errors during trial proceedings resulting in wrongful convictions and assist with drafting effective briefs highlighting relevant statutes and precedents applicable to specific cases’ fact patterns. Criminal appeal lawyers have specialized knowledge regarding appellate procedures and deadlines necessary for timely filing briefs and pleadings required by courts before deadlines expire. failure to do so could result in a waiver precluding any later challenges on those grounds.

Losing a criminal appeal does not necessarily mean giving up hope entirely. Several other options are available depending on individual circumstances. However, pursuing those options requires specialized skills possessed mainly by seasoned professionals like experienced criminal defence attorneys who understand how appellate courts operate. Therefore, seeking professional guidance promptly after receiving notice of denial could make all difference between success and further disappointment. Remember that time waits for no one when it comes to appeals. Every minute counts! Get proper guidance from agpllp.ca.