Regardless of what kind of legal case you’re looking for, you’re likely to be faced with some family law Hernando County FL has a lot of questions on. These include divorce, child custody and visitation, and domestic violence. Before you hire an attorney to represent you, however, it’s worth getting to know the basics.
Child Custody and Visitation
Child custody cases involve disputes over who will raise a child. They can range from a simple one-parent arrangement to joint legal and physical custody. Some cases are fought bitterly in court because of child abuse. Visitation, on the other hand, deals with a schedule of visits between the parents. A court may set this schedule for both parents or allow them to choose a schedule that works best for everyone involved.
When determining the visitation and custody schedule, the judge will look at the child’s best interests and welfare. They will take into account a variety of factors, including the child’s preference and the parent’s ability to provide for their needs.
Divorce is a common family law dispute, and the court system in Hernando County handles these cases. The divorce process begins with a petition filed in Circuit Court. A petitioner must prepare the required documents and file them with the court clerk’s office. If a couple wishes to file for a simplified dissolution, they must file a Petition for a Simplified Dissolution of Marriage.
In an uncontested divorce, an attorney is not necessary. In Florida, a couple cannot divorce if they are not living apart. If a couple has children, they will need to prove the mental incapacity of one spouse. A judge may award sole custody to one party or joint custody to both.
Domestic violence
If you’ve been charged with domestic violence, you need a good lawyer to represent you. Domestic violence is a serious matter and can include many offenses, including battery and assault. An experienced Brooksville domestic violence attorney, for example, can help you navigate the court process and help you get the justice you deserve.
Domestic violence is a serious matter that affects the entire family. While it affects women disproportionately, men and children are also victims of domestic violence. The abuse can impact any family member and be devastating to the victim.
Domestic violence charges
Whether a spouse has committed a violent act or another adult is involved in a violent incident, domestic violence charges can be very serious. The first step in fighting these charges is to find a qualified Hernando County domestic violence defense attorney. This attorney will be able to help you understand your rights, as well as your options.
While women are the most common targets of domestic violence, men and children can also be victims of domestic violence. The impact of this type of abuse affects the entire family, and a domestic violence case may lead to criminal prosecution.
Domestic violence convictions
Domestic violence is a serious crime and the penalties can be severe. In some cases, a domestic violence conviction may result in a mandatory jail sentence or extremely strict probation. It can also result in the loss of certain constitutional rights. To ensure that your rights are protected, it is important to consult with an experienced Hernando County Domestic Violence Defense Attorney.
Depending on the nature of the abuse, a domestic violence conviction can be either a misdemeanor or a felony. First-degree misdemeanors involve assault or battery against a family member, while aggravated assault is a third-degree felony. Battery is also a first-degree misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of a year in jail or 12 months of probation. In addition to jail, the punishment may include the requirement to attend a batterers’ intervention program and learn how to build healthy relationships.
Drug charges
Drug charges in Florida are often serious and carry a range of penalties. They may even result in the loss of your civil rights or your ability to work in certain professions. One way to avoid these harsh penalties is by enrolling in drug court. Participants in drug court must attend a drug addiction treatment program and meet certain requirements. If they can successfully complete the program, the charges against them may be dropped.
Arrests for domestic violence can also result in misdemeanor battery charges. However, these charges typically do not result in physical injury. Moreover, they do not require a weapon or any other form of identification. The accused is often held on NO BOND until the first court date. In addition, the judge may impose a “no contact” provision.