Too many people have filed personal injury claims but were denied the money they were due because of remarks they made on social media that the insurance company used to refute or discredit them. Even if you think what you are sharing is benign, the insurance company might nonetheless twist it to their advantage, so you must seek help from a personal injury lawyer.
Social Media’s Negative Effects on Personal Injury Cases
Your compensation claim might be thrown off by any of the following internet behaviors:
- Posting particular information about the incident or your injuries – You can accidentally contradict claims you made in your formal claim when you post on social media. By providing the insurance company a justification to reject your claim or lower the amount, they pay you, the information you post might harm your case. Inconsistent social media posts might potentially hurt your reputation if your case ends up in court.
- Negative remarks against the opposing party or the insurance provider – If you criticize the person who caused the accident or the insurance provider, the jury could believe you are out for revenge rather than just trying to receive the money you need to rebuild your life.
- Explicitly stating the scope of your physical prowess and limitations – Avoid posting pictures of yourself engaging in activities that could contradict your assertions about your injury. An insurance firm, for instance, can imply that you are not as injured as you say by using a picture of you out with pals.
What to Avoid Posting During a Personal Injury Case on Social Media?
During your accident case, you should refrain from posting the following on social media:
- Images or recordings of you
- Location check-ins that may imply you are engaging in sports or exercise
- Information regarding the incident or injuries you sustained
- Updates on how your claim is doing
- Any negative remarks regarding the insurance provider or any culpable parties
During your injury claim, you should refrain accepting requests from anyone. They can originate from an insurance company representative who needs access to your online media timeline. Additionally, you ought to make your profile private. This does not, however, completely safeguard you. Instead, insurance firms could interact with your friends and family to have access to some of your social media posts.
Can a Judge Order Your Social Media Activity to Be Visible?
If the insurance company has proof that your postings contradict your claims, it may ask a judge to issue an order ordering you to turn up a copy of your social network timeline. Any information you publish online might be detrimental to your case or advantageous to the insurance provider or the defendant, according to professional personal injury attorney columbia sc.