Whether you’re the plaintiff in a personal injury case or you’re testifying against a defendant in a criminal trial, there are some situations where you may fear the defendant. They’ve wronged you and may be powerful and might have even uttered threats. You may worry that testifying may do more harm than good. Fortunately, there’s a way to deal with your fear of the defendant. This article will teach you how.
Look Them in the Eye
The defendant merely feels powerful and cocky when you avoid making eye contact with them in court. While their actions may be especially troublesome, facing the accused in the courtroom is one of the best parts of participating in your trial. From the time you enter the room, you’ll have the chance to tell everyone else what happened. Take at least a few opportunities to stare coolly at the defendant. Remind yourself that you’re stronger than they are and you’ll feel no sense of fear that stops you from wanting to testify.
Refuse to Pity Them
You may at one point feel sorry for the defendant. After all, they could face jail time and have to pay you a significant amount of money. Feeling pity for the defendant will make you feel more afraid of them over time. The reason is that you’re taking away from the effort you’re putting into holding them accountable. The defendant needs to pay for what they’ve done that led them to court. Feeling sorry for them might even influence you to walk away from the experience altogether. But if you did, you’d find that the fear would soon return. People who have wrong will stop at nothing to make you feel bad. Stop feeling pity for the defendant and win the case you should.
Remind the Courtroom How Their Actions Affected You
As much as it’s important to tell your side of the story when asked, you also have to explain the impact. The judge and jury at a trial will need to hear the substantial suffering you endured as a result of the defendant’s actions. This information is critical as it makes sure a jury can see that the defendant needs to be punished. Go soft on your approach, and some members of the jury might think you didn’t endure much and the defendant should go free. Remind the courtroom how the defendant’s actions affected you. Your words are sure to linger in the minds of the jury and judge throughout the trial.
Share Safety Concerns With Your Lawyer
Worst case scenario, some risks need to be handled by the police or brought to the judge’s attention. If you notice any signs that the defendant is being threatened, be sure to bring it to your lawyer’s attention as soon as possible. Threats made by the defendant will be investigated and could increase the punishment the defendant’s faces, even if a few words were uttered. So, if you want to get over the fear, be proactive in dealing with safety threats. Tell the people who can help you so that your safety is guaranteed.
You have every reason to feel safe at your trial. If you’re worried about your safety, take a moment to stare down the defendant. Remind the courtroom what you went through and bring up safety issues immediately. There’s no reason you have to live in fear, as attorneys Heath Baker Law are amongst the lawyers who can help you.